Episode 33: Guns

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We celebrate Episode #33 by covering the topic of guns with Ryan’s younger brother Tony. We talk about the 2nd Amendment along with various other city and state laws that try to restrict gun ownership.

Thanks to everyone that came to the chat room and hung out with us during the live-stream at http://noagendastream.com and thanks to everyone that has supported the show up until this point.

Since we did shows on back-to-back days we didn’t have any new donations for this special episode. It’s a perfect time to thank Jfinley AKA Baron Walkman, Black6, Sir John Fletcher, Sir Eric VM – the Valley’s Baron, Sir Dude Named Ben Onymous, Keith van Dijk, J Noah Davis, Dumpster, ITM_OMA, SirCandinavian, Coldacid, Anthony Bemrose, and Sir James Howard of Indianapolis for your support over our first 33 shows. The show would not be possible without producers like you and we thank you!

Subscribe / Donate: https://grumpyoldbens.com

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